EAR#19 p 4 copyright 524w

Art lovers flocked to the star-studded and stunning opening festivities at ART WHILE-U-WAIT, American's newest Mecca for living art in the real world, at all hours: 10:31 am., 3:05 p.m., 6:00 p.m., Sunday, August 18, 1974, with Rich Gold/. eager to begin Goldograph No. 2, an exercise in the literary art which demonstrated that fatigue can be overcome with the aid of 4 1/2 pages of material written on vacation, a gas burner and coffee. 72 pages were written on as many sheets of newsprint with felt tip pens in 24 fun-filled hours.

Clay Fear, impersonated by pianist Alexander Bakunin, got up early Tuesday morning and did a mock New York presentation of text and tape. Elaine took 16 glorious Polaroid pics of satisfied customers during the course of the day. A cassette of Fear's mother telling him the latest news was very popular, as were the first Tequila Sunrises of the week. The blame was accurately place, as always.

John Bischoff, who had to work on Wednesday, brought by his home stereo system and installed a circuit consisting of tape, two small unenclosed speakers, two contact mikes, two home stereo speakers. Sharks Are Known To, his new stereo tape splice piece, was prominently featured and quite popular. Guests included Mr. Cybernetics, a social genius, and four gorgeous men named John (they said).

The Black Tarantula dropped by around 3 o'clock Thursday and did some Franz Kline-like work in newsprint and black paint (while spectators looked on): Myth: The Investigation (or Investigation) of Kidnapping of TBT Hearst by Evil Abductor Agents. Peter Gordon worked in the same medium with an Art/Sex series. Much alcohol was consumed followed by a dinner at Shem's Palace (reported to be scrumptious and fraught with tension).

Phil Harmonic appeared Friday at noon with his TV, a tape recorder and a radio. 90 minutes of the continuing event, Radio Music were committed to tape, a letter to Fay Shism was produced and a complicated situation involving 3 boys, an empty stomach and an automobile. The Nu-Tones were on hand as always to lend their own particular brand of moral support to yet another important Moment in the History of Art. The week ended gloriously at midnight Friday/Saturday (which day is midnight part of?).

Phil Harmonic appeared Friday at noon with his TV, a tape recorder and a radio. 90 minutes of the continuing event, Radio Music were committed to tape, a letter to Fay Shism was produced and a complicated s

Phil Harmonic appeared Friday at noon with his TV, a tape recorder and a radio.

Clay Fear

ART WHILE-U-WAIT is a wonderful new gallery on Ashby near Grove in Berkeley. Everyone famous goes there. If you go there, you'll be famous. Last week Rich Gold, Clay Fear, John Bischoff, The Black Tarantula, and Phil Harmonic did pieces there, one on each day of the week, and now these people are famous. They talked: they told everyone everything about their private lives and everyone told them everything about everything. This is true romance. Love. -The Black Tarantula