from the John Jay Cloidt collection 200w

LISTEN: MONDAY MARCH 29 1982, 9-11 PM, ON KPFA FM 94 Ode to Gravity. With Charles Amirkhanian.

"Word Music and Cassette Food"

Word Music: Aural arrangements of new written works by Melody Sumner and Sheila Davies.

Melody Sumner: Morpheme; Charm; He wrote me that love me yes he did; Whisper; The Time Is Now; The Walking Injured (Adagio in G).

Sheila Davies: Color Blind, Glossolalia; She Suffixed and He Prefixed; Sense Shift Unknown; Joey Da Vinci circa 1930; Queen of Spades.

Voices include Barbara Golden, Laetitia de Compiegne, Patrick Sumner, Rustie Cook, Jordan Perry, Girls Looking for Husbands, and others.

Cassette Food: Medium Tech music made with cassette recorders utilizing the apartment as compositional tool. (the window, the stove, the chair, the radiator, the pillow and many other items are featured.)

Michael Sumner: Murmur, Very Sad; Blanket Music; Dedicated Circuit; Eleanor Rigby and End of Winter; Rubber Tips.

Patrick Sumner: Gardyloo; Furniture and Clothing; Current Events; Pearls, Chocolate, Precious Chemicals and Dice.

Sam Ashley: Excerpts.

Bob Wier: Reference.

Also, several extremely new versions of "Stardust" will be aired as well as 127 Chuck Khannors tunes never before released in a "Chuck Khannors" TV album.