EAR Volume 6 No. 5, September - October 1978, Editor: Bob Davis, 306 Fair Oaks, #4, San Francisco CA 94110. Typed by Barb. Golden, Dec. 1 1994.

Paul Kalbach will be offering a class through UCB Extension starting September 26th. "ELECTRO-ACOUSTICAL MUSIC: WITH AND /OR WITHOUT SYNTHESIZERS.

...A practical 'hands-on' equipment and theory course in electronic music and musique concrete. Students will learn tape manipulation techniques as well as use of the synthesizer, so that they may create electronic music without the use of expensive, sophisticated equipment. No previous musical training necessary". The class is limited to 15. Those interested should contact the University of California extension, 2223 Fulton, Berkeley, 642-4111. Paul is director of 'Extranious Static Refinement Systems' in San Francisco which provides private electronic music instruction and studio rental: 655-1283. p.4

Typed by Barb. Golden, Dec. 1 1994