Computer Music Journal Volume 15, Number 3 Fall 1991 MIT Press, 55 Hayward Street, Cambridge, Mass 02142 copyright 1991 MIT ISSN 0148-9267 159w

CDCM 1991 Releases: Current Releases

CDCM Vol. 4: David Rosenboom, Systems of Judgement, computer music; produced at the Center for Contemporary Music, Mills College. CRC 2077

1991 Releases

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CDCM Vol. 10: "The Virtuoso in the Computer Age," Anthony Braxton and David Rosenboom, Challenge, ensemble with computer performance systems; Paul Lansky, As if ..., string trio and computer music; John Melby, Concerto for Flute and Tape; Larry Austin, Montage, violin and computer music; Robert Davidovici, violin; Challenge, Castilla Trio, Rachel Rudich, flute; produced with support from the National Endowment for the Arts Music Recording Program at CEMI: Center for Experimental Music and Intermedia, University of North Texas; Center for experiments in Art, Information, and Technology, California Institute for the Arts; Computer Music Project, University of Illinois; and Winham Laboratory, Princeton University.

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Typed by Cheryl Vega 4-28-95