John Adam's new composition for solo piano will be premiered at a concert of Mack Mc Cray's Sat.., Jan. 21, 1978, Hellman Hall, 19th Ave & Ortega, San Francisco, Admission free. The work is entitled "Phrygian Verses" and is in one movement. John says, "Mack asked me for a large scale heroic work. We worked hand in hand to make a piece whose scope and gesture best suit his extraordinary pianistic gifts."
"Most of my music in the past five years deals with tonal areas. This piece uses lydian and phrygian modes organized by means of certain structural and control principles from electronic music such as pulse width modulation and gating. This is similar to "Wave Maker" a piece for winds I did this past summer."
Also on the program are a Schubert Sonata and the complete Chopin Preludes. p.7
Typed by Barb. Golden