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by G.X. Juppiter-Larsen

The Themes:

Any perception of a medium will have weight over how the enclosed message is understood, but the gist of the message itself still remains unaffected by the encapsulating medium. Since both medium and message are completely independent of each other, the perceived relationship between the two has itself potential for use as a compositional material. When there's a noticeable contrast between content and packaging some distance between the two is created. This distance functions as a kind of inherent gap.

Keeping this in mind we have the transexpansion numeral unit (TNU). An example of a TNU is "I" (pronounced "a") which is located in between 1 & 4 but not 2 & 3. The TNU was invented to explore the distance & separateness in between linear counting locations that don't border each other. Instead of a way of doing arithmetic what you end up with here is an emotional & philosophical barometer.

And keeping in mind the theme of distance & separateness, Kettleday is the accumulative effect of a 24-hour period fragmented over a larger calendar event. Kettleday appears on a clock as the first moment right after midnight for 364 consecutive evenings. It takes almost a full year to experience this complete 24-hour accumulative effect.

Another accumulity is the polywave. The polywave is simultaneous movement in all directions. The theory being that each individual direction is a cross section of a larger accumulative effect. This theory goes on to state that everything except for nothingness moves as part of the polywave. The way one measures the polywave is by comparing unconnected entities. That is by comparing the polywave (movement) to nothingness (stillness). If clocks indicate not a movement of time, but the metabolism of the person perceiving the clock in motion, then time would be a stationary void located in between the passing of events. And anti-time then as the velocity of metabolism.

With any debate there is conclusion. The act of conclusion is a visit to The Totimorphous, a house built out of logic. The idea being that a conclusion isn't an end, but a location within any ongoing intellectual neighborhood.

Hoods are worn by members of the theatrical group known as The Haters.

One thing leads to another because the whole thing just keeps falling apart. Formed by Jupitter-Larsen in 1979, The Haters stage celebrations of entropy. Performances which, more often than not, entail making a large and loud mess of some kind. The motivation being that biology is based on unstable molecules transferring energy between stable molecules. This very process, that gives life, also simultaneously takes it away. Because the molecules that are doing the energy transferring are unstable, aging occurs. This is irony. And irony is funny.

This is the distance & separateness of rot & decay.